Cartoonist, Will Terrell

Will Terrell is cartoonist with a very successful YouTube channel with over 100,000 views per video. He is known for his people watching and people sketches. When he was younger, his favorite thing to do was tell stories. Will wanted to write comic books. He later found out in order to write comics, he needed team… Read More Cartoonist, Will Terrell

ink master

Doodle |ˈdo͞odl|  verb. [ no obj. ] scribble absentmindedly noun. a rough drawing made absentmindedly According to the definition, doodling is made out to be nothing more than a ridiculous act. When most think of doodling, they think of the naughty scribblings on the walls of a child’s room or the small markings on school notes created from boredom. But little did they know, doodling is… Read More ink master